Personal Injury Blog

August is the Most Dangerous Month for Workers, Drivers

If the recent heat wave in Minnesota wasn’t enough, it turns out August it actually the most dangerous month for workers and commuters. Analysts concluded that August was the most dangerous month for workers by reviewing Travelers’ insurance claim data from the pasty two years. Although the data was limited ...

2020-08-27T16:38:55-05:00September 19, 2013|Categories: Work Comp Blog, Work Injury|Tags: , |

5 Tips to Avoid Fireworks Injuries this Fourth of July

No July 4th celebration is complete without at least a few fireworks. Fireworks are the hallmark of the holiday, and while they are spectacular to watch, they are also very dangerous and can lead to serious personal injury. Common fireworks injuries include: Severe burns (most common on the hands, face, and legs) Eye ...

2022-02-22T12:55:30-06:00July 3, 2012|Categories: Personal Injury, Personal Injury Blog|Tags: |

The Benefits of Estate Planning

Estate planning is a way to assist individuals in eliminating uncertainties by providing a clear and purposeful way to transfer or dispose of assets, especially money, maximizing the value left to loved ones. Prime estate planning candidates are individuals that: Have suffered any kind of serious personal injury, and Seek compensation ...

2022-02-22T13:24:51-06:00January 17, 2012|Categories: Personal Injury, Personal Injury Blog|Tags: , |
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