child custody

Will Domestic Abuse Affect my Custody or Divorce Case in Minnesota?

Sometimes when parties are nearing the point of divorce or a custody battle, there is an incident of domestic abuse that occurs between the parties. If the domestic abuse extends to the children, where they either witnessed or were part of the abusive event, the court may restrict parenting time or ...

2020-08-27T16:53:09-05:00February 15, 2010|Categories: Child Custody, Family Law Blog|Tags: , |

Am I Allowed to Move my Child out of Minnesota?

Often during the course of a divorce or custody dispute, one parent wants to move out-of-state with the child. Minnesota law requires the parent to either get the consent of the other parent or to get the court’s permission. However, if the decision is up to the judge, it is very difficult ...

2020-08-27T16:53:10-05:00February 4, 2010|Categories: Child Custody, Family Law Blog|Tags: , , |

How Can an Order for Protection Influence a Custody Case or Divorce in Minnesota?

In the state of Minnesota, if you are the victim of domestic abuse you may be able to obtain an Order for Protection. When an incident of violence occurs during the divorce process or even in a custody dispute once the papers have been filed, a victim is still able ...

2020-08-27T16:53:11-05:00February 1, 2010|Categories: Child Custody, Divorce, Family Law Blog|Tags: , , |

Standby Custodial Designations: A Tool to Use with Estate Planning

Parties to a divorce with children, or even single parents with children, usually want to make provisions for what will happen to their child if they were to die. An individual is always able to designate who they would like to be the child’s guardian in their will or other similar documents. ...

How to Use Parenting Plans in Minnesota Custody Cases

When parties decide to get a divorce, how do they determine the parenting schedule that will be used? The court looks at the 13 “best interest” factors when determining custody. Each of the factors is weighed in the analysis, and the court will determine who should have custody. However, when the parties ...

2020-08-27T16:53:19-05:00October 19, 2009|Categories: Child Custody, Divorce, Family Law Blog|Tags: , |
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