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So far Usi has created 58 blog entries.

Navigating Divorce and Co-Parenting with a Special Needs Child

Divorce can be quite unexpected, traumatic, and filled with uncertainty. The trouble compounds when the couple has joint children. In that case, divorce involves not only a financial and emotional uncoupling, but also requires decisions to be made around custody labels, parenting schedules, and child support. Even when the dust ...

2022-02-17T10:17:56-06:00June 29, 2021|Categories: Child Custody, Divorce|

Who Gets the Dog? The Law in Minnesota

Many people share pets with their family or significant other, but very few people contemplate the consequences for the pet if the co-owning relationship is disrupted. In married couples with children who are seeking a divorce, the pet will often follow the same schedule as the children, as they are ...

2022-02-17T10:25:35-06:00June 22, 2021|Categories: Divorce|

Choosing a Parenting Time Schedule

Many divorcing parents struggle with creating a parenting time schedule that works best for them and their family. However, some parents may be surprised to learn that specific parenting time schedules work better for children of specific ages. Other than age, there are many other factors to consider when deciding ...

2021-07-08T09:41:56-05:00June 8, 2021|Categories: Parenting Time|Tags: , |

How to Handle Disagreements over School Enrollment

Many parents who are in the midst of divorcing will disagree about what school their child should attend. Oftentimes, the school choice corresponds with where one parent lives.  However, there can be other reasons for choosing a specific school for a child. Some of these include how the child is ...

2021-07-08T09:43:01-05:00May 25, 2021|Categories: Child Custody|

Stimulus Checks and Allocation In Divorced Families

The coronavirus relief bill signed into law on March 27, 2020 (the CARES ACT) provided economic impact payments, or “stimulus checks” to qualifying American households. Some people received the checks in the mail, others by direct deposit, and some received the stimulus through a pre-paid debit card. In a divorced ...

2021-07-08T10:00:48-05:00May 11, 2021|Categories: Child Support|

How Can I Locate Hidden Assets during a Minnesota Divorce?

At Heimerl & Lammers, our divorce attorneys in fully understand the challenges that accompany your marriage dissolution. And while all spousal relationships and divorce details are unique, one thing is true across the board: Each spouse will receive a percentage of the total value of their joint marital property. Whether ...

2021-07-08T09:36:10-05:00April 19, 2021|Categories: Divorce, Family Law Blog|

How Is High Asset Divorce Different than Other Forms of Divorce?

Our Minnesota divorce attorneys begin our legal partnerships with the understanding that each of our clients is unique and so are their post-marital needs. For over 20 years, our experienced divorce attorneys at Heimerl & Lammers have customized legal solutions for spouses who were seeking both contested and uncontested divorces ...

2021-07-08T10:09:34-05:00April 13, 2021|Categories: Divorce, Family Law Blog|

Understanding Taxes and Child Support in Minnesota

At Heimerl and Lammers, our divorce attorneys understand that when spouses with children decide to dissolve their marriages, the kids’ best interests come first. That is true personally and in the eyes of the law. When parents cannot design a custody agreement on their own or through mediation, family courts will ...

2021-07-08T10:16:04-05:00April 9, 2021|Categories: Child Support|
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