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So far Usi has created 58 blog entries.

Are Workers’ Compensation or Personal Injury Settlements Considered Marital Property?

It is not uncommon for someone to experience an injury, whether at work or elsewhere, that eventually culminates in a settlement.  In this case, the injured party may receive either periodic payments under a payment schedule or a single lump-sum payment. When a recipient of settlement funds is seeking a ...

2022-02-17T10:35:34-06:00January 18, 2022|Categories: Divorce, Personal Injury, Workers Comp|Tags: |

How Is the Court Handling Parental Disagreements on COVID-19 Vaccines for Kids?

We previously issued a blog post titled “Vaccines and Divorce - Can I Have My Child Vaccinated without the Other Parent’s Consent?” Since that blog was released, a Washington County trial court judge issued a decision on the issue of vaccinating children when the parents disagree. The Order was issued ...

2022-02-17T09:51:41-06:00December 15, 2021|Categories: Family Law Blog|Tags: , , , |

Guardianship and Conservatorship 101: What is the difference between a guardianship and a conservatorship?

Conservatorships and guardianships are designed to assist vulnerable, incapacitated, or impaired persons in making decisions. Many people do not know the difference between conservatorships and guardianships and often conflate the two. There are also a variety of powers established by law that apply to conservators and/or guardians, so it is ...

2021-11-30T09:57:16-06:00November 30, 2021|Categories: Conservatorship, Guardianship|

What are the different types of Alternative Dispute Resolution in family court cases?

In Minnesota, once a family court case is filed, many judges will ask that the parties attend Alternative Dispute Resolution (“ADR”). ADR consists of several different options for resolving the issues in the case outside of court. This allows for the parties and a neutral facilitator to try to reach ...

2021-11-03T08:51:55-05:00November 2, 2021|Categories: Family Law Blog|Tags: , |

What Should You Wear for a Court Hearing?

Many parties preparing to attend court wonder what sort of attire is appropriate for the hearing. The general rule you should follow is you should dress as if you were going to a job interview or business casual/business professional. The attorneys will most likely be the most formal people in ...

2021-10-12T09:53:37-05:00October 12, 2021|Categories: Family law court|

Vaccines and Divorce – Can I have my child vaccinated without the other parent’s consent?

While vaccines have been commonplace in many respects for quite some time, there is a more recent debate about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine, especially for children. Many parents are wondering what to do in a situation where one parent wants to vaccinate their child(ren) against COVID-19 and the ...

2022-02-17T09:45:56-06:00September 28, 2021|Categories: Divorce|Tags: , |

What Is the Advanced Child Tax Credit?

Most parents are familiar with the Child Tax Credit program, which allows you to reduce the federal tax you owe by $1,000.00 for each qualifying child under the age of 17 who resides with you. A qualifying child includes your son, daughter, foster child, brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister, or a ...

2021-09-02T13:06:10-05:00September 2, 2021|Categories: Family Law Blog|

Adult Adoption – Do Biological Parents Need Notice?

Adult adoption is a unique legal tool designed for situations where an adult wishes to formalize a relationship with their caregivers or wants to formalize an otherwise informal parenting arrangement after they have emancipated. There are a variety of unique situations that may lead a family toward adult adoption. In ...

2022-02-17T10:09:36-06:00August 10, 2021|Categories: Adoption|

Five Attorneys Selected for Honor by Super Lawyers Magazine for 2021

We are excited to announce that five of our attorneys have been selected for distinction by Super Lawyers Magazine, a publication of Thomson Reuters, in 2021. Partners Katie Lammers and Michael Lammers have both been selected as Super Lawyers, Katie for her eighth year after two years as a Rising ...

2023-07-17T10:19:03-05:00August 3, 2021|Categories: Firm News|

Am I Liable for a Money Judgment Against My Spouse if They Are Sued?

If you are married, you may be wondering if you could be held liable for a money judgment awarded against your spouse. For example, if your spouse injures someone in a car accident and that person sues your spouse, can you be held liable financially? Minnesota has addressed this concern ...

2022-02-17T10:14:12-06:00July 20, 2021|Categories: General|
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