Family Law Blog

5 Ways to Make the Most of Your Attorney’s Retainer

In family law, attorneys generally charge an upfront retainer before getting started on a client's case. These retainers are usually between $2,000 and $5,000. While this may seem like a lot, these retainers are quickly depleted after an attorney drafts pleadings and motions, attends hearings, and has multiple communications with ...

2020-08-27T16:57:40-05:00June 22, 2012|Categories: Divorce, Family Law Blog|Tags: , |

Same Sex Couples Finding it Difficult to Divorce

Same sex couples are finding it increasingly difficult to get divorced. At the time of this writing, only 6 states and the District of Columbia allow gay marriage. None of these states have a residency requirement attached to their laws either, meaning a same sex couple doesn’t have to live ...

Can Child Support Arrears Affect my Ability to Get a Passport?

When child support is collected through the county child support office, there are more enforcement remedies available than when child support is collected by the parent to whom it is owed. One of those remedies involves the obligor’s, or person who has to pay support, ability to get or renew a passport. ...

2020-08-27T16:57:42-05:00May 26, 2012|Categories: Child Support, Family Law Blog|Tags: , , |

Parenting Time Expeditors and Parenting Consultants in Minnesota

If you are involved in a “high conflict” parenting situation (i.e. a divorce, custody proceeding, or post decree issue), the services of a parenting consultant or a parenting time expeditor may be appropriate to assist with on-going conflict in the case. But what’s the difference between a parenting consultant and ...

My Spouse and I Agree on Everything – Why do I Need a Divorce Lawyer?

More often than not, the family law attorneys in our office are confronted with this question: "Why do I need a divorce lawyer, when my spouse and I agreed on everything?" In short, a divorce attorney can ensure that your rights are protected, that there is actually an "equitable division" of martial property, ...

2020-08-27T16:57:43-05:00May 18, 2012|Categories: Divorce, Family Law Blog|Tags: , , |

Top 5 Tips for Dealing with a Child Custody Evaluator

Sometimes in child custody cases a custody evaluator is used as a neutral third party to make determinations of custody and parenting time. Here are the top 5 tips for dealing with a custody evaluator. Be respectful. Realize that the custody evaluator is only doing his or her job and that job is to ...

2020-08-27T16:57:43-05:00May 11, 2012|Categories: Child Custody, Family Law Blog|Tags: , |

Childhood Obesity and Child Custody Modification

With child obesity on the rise, some are debating the need for child custody modification for obese children. Child obesity is a continuing problem amongst our nation's youth. A recent study found that roughly 17% of kids aged 2-19 are obese. Some say that states need to take action against childhood obesity ...

2020-08-27T16:57:44-05:00May 7, 2012|Categories: Child Custody, Family Law Blog|Tags: , |

3 Things to Remember When Dividing Property in Divorce

Sometimes, clients will believe that if their name is removed from the title of the home, then they are removed from the liability of the home (i.e. the outstanding mortgages or home equity lines of credit). Unfortunately, this is not the case. Your divorce decree can divide up property and determine the ...

2020-08-27T16:57:44-05:00May 4, 2012|Categories: Family Law Blog, Property Division|Tags: , |
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