Skilled Divorce Attorneys

At Heimerl and Lammers, our divorce attorneys have been guiding our clients through the challenges associated with their marriage dissolutions for more than two decades.

Once we understand the type of divorce you and your spouse are pursuing, which is typically dictated by your marital circumstances, we will outline the details that must be negotiated to reach a divorce agreement outside of the courtroom or litigated before a judge when the divorce cannot be finalized without the court’s interference.

What Decisions Will I Have to Make During My Divorce Proceedings?

Whether you have decided to get divorced based on a single event, like infidelity or criminal behavior, or have been considering dissolving your marriage for some time, Minnesota is a no-fault divorce state.

That means all spouses have the right to file for divorce if they believe their marriage is irretrievably broken without having to prove the other spouse did something wrong.

Once the divorce petition is filed, some of the factors you may have to agree on, when applicable to your marriage, may include:

At Heimerl & Lammers, our divorce attorneys pride ourselves in providing timely and skilled advice that will help you make informed decisions about your future, so you can start your new life with confidence.  

What Happens If We Cannot Agree on Any of Our Divorce Details?

In Minnesota, you do not need the consent of your spouse to obtain a divorce, but their resistance may make the process more difficult than it needs to be.

Our divorce attorneys can assure you that challenges and confrontations are not uncommon — for many reasons — when we begin sorting through the details of your marriage.

We can help you navigate these difficult decisions by helping you understand the two sides of divorce: the emotional side and the legal side.

For more than 20 years, our divorce attorneys have been helping our clients separate their emotional connections from a legal vantage point, so they know what to expect from each position.

For instance, not all parents believe their spouse should be entitled to joint custody of their children, which may become a contentious part of their divorce. With our help, he or she can realize what the legal implications of that stance are once we enter the courtroom. And whether it is better to decide on a parenting strategy together or have a judge dictate your custody details.

Conversely, we also represent clients who should fight for what is rightfully theirs inside the courtroom and have over two decades of litigation experience to pursue the best outcome for their unique divorce circumstances.

We handle divorces at all stages in life. This includes grey divorces, where one spouse may not have much work experience and is preparing for retirement. We know how to protect you and your assets and offer strong representation to ensure you have the security you need and deserve.

We understand well that every divorce is unique. And we will learn each detail about what is important to you, including your overall expectations, before applying the necessary legal standards to your case, so you can see each side of your divorce clearly and make informed decisions moving forward.

If you are considering divorce or have been served with divorce papers, contact our experienced divorce attorneys at Heimerl and Lammers today at one of our eight offices located in six cities throughout the region by calling (612) 294-2200 to schedule a free consultation today.


Divorce Attorneys Twin Cities Mn

Our Divorce Attorneys

The attorneys at Heimerl & Lammers serve the State of Minnesota and are dedicated to helping you with all of your needs.

Meet our attorneys:

Minneapolis Family Law Attorney Katie Lammers

Kathryn M. Lammers



Carlo Faccini Family Law Attorney

Carlo Faccini



Minneapolis Family Law Attorney Courtney Latcham

Courtney Latcham



All of our attorneys are familiar with resources and programs available throughout Minnesota. The majority of their time is spent handling cases in all areas of family law, from divorce to custody to spousal maintenance.


Our Commitment to

Our commitment to you includes:

You are not alone

We Can Help.

The attorneys and staff at our firm take the time to actually listen to our clients. We will carefully explain the process you are facing and guide you through it while looking out for your best interests. We know that each client’s individual situation is unique and important to them. Therefore, we won’t treat your representation with the “cookie-cutter” approach other law firms seem to take.

If you need to speak with an attorney, contact us today. We can assist with a wide array of issues, including divorce, child custody, family law, personal injury, wrongful death, construction injuries, truck accident injuries, and workers’ compensation.


Get in touch with an attorney today.

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