Minnesota Employment Law Attorneys

At Heimerl & Lammers, our employment law attorneys advocate for justice for clients whose employers who have violated their rights through objectionable and unlawful behavior that reveals discrimination, retaliation, sexual harassment, wage and hour violations, and wrongful termination.

Our hardworking clients have a lot to offer in both their personal and professional lives, and when they are struggling with day-to-day physical, economic, and psychological injuries stemming from illegal behavior in the workplace, our employment law attorneys are here to listen to how your rights have been violated. This way, you may take the first steps in facing your future with confidence.

Our lawyers fight to help employees get the financial compensation they are entitled to when their employers disregard our state or federal laws and regulations when hiring, firing, paying, evaluating, promoting, and demoting employees.

HL Office

Employment Law Attorneys

Many Minnesotans who are victims of employment law violations do not realize that they have recourse for what was done to them. They continue with their daily lives under duress at work wondering what to do next.

The employment law attorneys at 612-INJURED can help. Our team has already defended the rights of many clients in this position. If you are experiencing unlawful employment practices, give us a call. We can determine the next steps for the best path forward.

Severance Negotiation Lawyers

Many employers ask employees to sign a severance agreement to receive a small amount of money at termination.  This protects employers from litigation, but often limits the rights of employees.  If you have been asked to sign a severance agreement and you believe that your employer discriminated or retaliated against you, please reach out, where we can:

  • Evaluate your potential legal claims against your employer;
  • Explain the terms and conditions of your proposed severance agreement;
  • Potentially negotiate a higher severance amount that your employer’s initial offer; and
  • Ensure that your severance agreement contains fair terms to both parties.

Age Discrimination Lawyers

We may be able to help if your age was a factor in your employer’s decision about one of the following:

  • Discharge, termination or forced to quit
  • Layoff or reduction in force (RIF)
  • Passed over for a promotion or a pay raise
  • Denied a job for which you applied

Sex Discrimination Lawyers

Sex Discrimination can take many forms in the workplace.  Employers can hold women to higher standards, deny them opportunities, ignore workplace harassment, scrutinize their appearance, or treat women differently than men in regard to family responsibilities. 

We may be able to help you with:

  • Equal pay for equal work
  • Denial of a promotion or pay raise
  • Pregnancy discrimination
  • Different treatment regarding care for children
  • Termination, discharge, or layoff

Workers’ Compensation Retaliation Lawyers

It is illegal for your employer to obstruct your workers’ compensation benefits in any way, including retaliation. Employers may try to intimidate the worker, refuse to promote, reduce hours, and even fire. Workers’ Compensation Retaliation claims are distinctly different than Workers’ Compensation claims, and our employment law attorneys have experiencing litigating these retaliation claims.

Workplace Harassment Lawyers

Your employer has an obligation to provide a work environment free of unwelcome sexual conduct or hostility based on your sex or race, age, disability, religion, or national origin. 

We may be able to help if you experience these problems at work:

  • Unwelcome sexual advances, inappropriate touching, sexually suggestive comments and “jokes”, or sexual assault
  • Name calling, aggressive or threatening behavior, assault, disrespect, or other hostile conduct based on race, ethnic origin, or religion

Overtime and Minimum Wage Violations Lawyers

Many employees are entitled to overtime pay at time and a half your regular rate of pay for working more than 40 hours in a workweek. Employees in Minnesota are protected by federal, state, or local minimum wage law. Some common problems we may be able to help with include:

  •  Denial of overtime pay to employees illegally classified as salaried
  • Denial of pay for “off the clock” work
  • Failure to pay minimum wage to piecework employees
  • Unpaid interns and those improperly classified as independent contractors
  • Employees required to participate in a “tip pool”

Disability Discrimination Lawyers

Employers are legally obligated to provide reasonable accommodation to all types of physical and mental impairments and illnesses. They cannot treat you differently because of your disability, record of a disability, perceived disability, or the disability or chronic illness of a family member. 

We may be able to help when one of these things happens:

  • Reasonable accommodation is denied or is inadequate
  • Termination based on your employer’s beliefs about your disability
  • Unfair denial of a promotion or raise
  • Denial of FMLA or other leave you need to deal with your disability or serious health condition

Employment Contract Lawyers

There are several types of employment contracts, and they can sometimes work to the detriment of employees. At Heimerl & Lammers, our employment law attorneys can help ensure that your needs and interests are protected. We have negotiated contracts for clients all across Minnesota. If you have any questions about a contract presented by your employer, call us first.

Sexual Orientation Discrimination Lawyers

Many employees face harassment, pay inequity, biased layoff decisions, and other adverse employment actions because of their sexual orientation. These actions can range from very subtle to openly volatile. If you feel as though you have experienced discrimination due to your sexual orientation, call us. Our experienced employment law attorneys will review your case and give you the representation you need in a difficult time.

Race Discrimination Lawyers

Stereotypes and biases are often problems for African-Americans and other minority group members on the job. When there is a problem or a dispute at work, the Black employee is often blamed. 

We may be able to help if you are:

  • Passed over for a promotion or a raise
  • Discharged or fired unfairly
  • Assigned the less challenging or menial work
  • Bullied, harassed, or subjected to hostility or aggression

Breach of Contract Lawyers

Employers sometimes want to avoid the obligations they committed to in your employment contract or sales commission plan. 

We may be able to help if your employer:

  • Discharges you for cause when there is no cause
  • Refuses to pay the severance promised in your contract
  • Fails to pay earned sales commission as agreed

Non-Compete Agreements Lawyers

A non-compete is sometimes, but certainly not always, enforceable by your employer. We can help you evaluate whether your non-compete is enforceable and provide you a strong defense if your employer sues or threatens to sue based on a non-compete. 

Some of the factors that a court would consider include:

  • Whether your employer has legitimate business interests to protect from competition
  • The fact that you were terminated without cause
  • Whether your professional specialty is a unique one that is important to the community you serve
  • The geographic scope, time limits, and scope of work in your non-compete

National Origin and Religious Discrimination Lawyers

Employees may be targeted by co-workers or managers because they were born in a different country, are members of an unpopular ethnic group, or practice a different faith. 

We may be able to help if:

  • Your employer will not accommodate your religious practices
  • You are the target of bullying, ethnic slurs or hateful speech at work
  • You are denied a promotion or raise because of animosity toward your ethnic group

Retaliation Lawyers

People are often treated unfairly or differently because they complained about discrimination or harassment on the job or supported a co-worker who complains. 

We may be able to help if your employer retaliates against you in one of the following ways:

  • You are fired or demoted
  • Your hours are cut or you are denied a promotion
  • You are harassed to the point where you have no choice but to quit

Whistleblower Lawyers

Numerous state and federal laws protect your right to blow the whistle on your employer’s illegal conduct.

We may be able to help if you are fired or forced to quit for any of the following:

  • Refusing to break the law as you understand it
  • Reporting illegal conduct to a supervisor
  • Reporting violations of law to outside government agencies
Benjamin J. Heimerl
Rated by Super Lawyers

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AVVO Rating - 10.0 Superb (Worker's Compensation)
Michael B. Lammers
Rated by Super Lawyers

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Top Attorney Personal Injury - AVVO Rating: 10.0
WCTLA Top 25 Award 2020
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Unless We Win

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To speak with an attorney today for a free case evaluation, either fill out our online form or call us today at (612) 294-2200.


Our Commitment to

Our commitment to you includes:

You are not alone

We Can Help.

The attorneys and staff at our firm take the time to actually listen to our clients. We will carefully explain the process you are facing and guide you through it while looking out for your best interests. We know that each client’s individual situation is unique and important to them. Therefore, we won’t treat your representation with the “cookie-cutter” approach other law firms seem to take.

If you need to speak with an attorney, contact us today. We can assist with a wide array of issues, including divorce, child custody, family law, personal injury, wrongful death, workers’ compensation, and employment law.




We’re Here for You 24/7 – Contact Heimerl & Lammers Today.

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  • All other matters, please CALL or submit a contact form below.


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