This coming month (August) is National Child Support Awareness Month in America.
The month was recognized back in 1995 by then-president Bill Clinton, who stated in his official proclamation:
“Providing for our children is one of humanity’s worthiest and most fundamental endeavors. Children are the best part of ourselves – the sum of our past and the promise of our future, the guarantee that our lives and values and reams will flourish long after we are gone.”
Reforming the child support system was one of the Clinton administration’s top priorities, and the federal government (through the Child Support Enforcement Program) now takes a much more active role in supporting children whose parents fail to pay child support.
Studies have shown that children who receive support from both parents get better grades and develop fewer emotional issues. This month is a time to recognize those parents who fulfill their child support payments, and educate the general public on the importance of child support.
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