Minnesota Fathers’ Rights Attorney

In many instances, it is in a child’s best interests to be involved with both his/her mother and father. Having contact with both parents allows a child to develop more fully. However, as a father, you may feel like once you divorce your child’s mother, you are losing rights to your children as well. This should not be the case. Just because you are ending things with your wife or girlfriend does not mean you have to end things with your children. You are not divorcing them.

Questions of Paternity

In the state of Minnesota, fathers must establish paternity before they are entitled to certain rights such as child custody and parenting time. This can be done through:

  • A Recognition of Parentage which is usually signed at the hospital after a child’s birth (but can be signed later in the child’s life if both parents agree to it)
  • A court ordered paternity adjudication

If you believe that you may not be the father but are being told to pay child support, you may be in a very frustrating situation. It is important that you participate in a DNA test to prove paternity before you are required to pay or do anything.

Understanding Fathers’ Rights

There are many instances where you may feel like your rights as a dad are being threatened, especially by the mother of your child. You may be denied access to your child out of resentment and this is not fair. You may be unable to see your child, even if there is a court issued child custody agreement in place. As a father, you have the right to:

  • A court ordered DNA or paternity test if there is any doubt about paternity
  • Access to your children
  • A say in child custody and parenting time
  • A say in child support payments
  • A qualified family law attorney in Minnesota

Just because you did not give birth to a child doesn’t make you any less of a parent. Furthermore, even if you have not played an active role in the upbringing of the child doesn’t automatically mean you will not receive custody. Every case is evaluated on an individual basis, and it is our mission to help fight for your rights as a father. We will ensure that your rights are protected and fought for and that the best interest of your child is always foremost.

Contact a Minnesota Family Lawyer Today

If you are unsure of paternity, are looking to have a child custody agreement modified, or are concerned that your rights are not being protected, then contact our team of qualified Minnesota fathers’ rights attorneys today. Heimerl & Lammers will fight on your behalf so that your rights as a father and as a citizen are protected.

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